
Medical Coding Hero: Prepare, Conquer

Unlocking the Human Body: Navigate the Complexity with Precision – Your Essential Medical Coding Preparation Resource Awaits on Our Page.

Ensure error-free payments with Medesun medical coding services

The failure to translate even a single medical exam into a corresponding code can mess up your documentation and reimbursement. When this spills over into the billing stage, you risk being underpaid by the insurer or having to spend days resolving the issue. But if you had qualified medical coders to oversee your coding process, you could sidestep that.

Medesun is looking forward to serving as your remote team of coders. We’re like a one-stop medical coding center for private practices and hospitals. Medesun provides specialty-specific solutions to reduce denied claims and improper reimbursement cases in healthcare settings across more than 10 specialties. In other words, we can devote our attention to the services you offer, down to the minute procedural intricacies.

Our coders are experienced in CPT, ICD, and other coding systems and use the best NCCI and LCD practices. We are up to date on the latest guidelines and can help you meet them thanks to our profound knowledge of terminology and paperwork procedures. Despite being ever-changing, coding systems provide consistency for your practice’s revenue flow, and Medesun is here to keep it steady.

Benefits of professional medical coding with Medesun

When teaming up with Medesun for coding, you can benefit from:
  • Hassle-free process. To get us to ensure accurate coding for your services, you only need to scan your documents. Our medical coders will then access them and match all procedures, exams, and treatments to their codes while verifying that your paperwork reads smoothly. Once done, your documents will be stored on your server – ready to go to billers.
  • Reduced rejections. It’s impossible to avoid denied claims altogether, but Medesun can make sure you’re getting a handful of them. As we’re highly knowledgeable about the systems for medical coding in the USA and other countries, we can adhere to any regulations and provide nothing but well-coded documents for billers.
  • Lightning-fast reimbursement. The faster you assign codes, the faster you can submit claims. All this can happen on the same day so that you’re paid quickly (depending on the insurer’s terms).
  • More time, fewer expenses. Leave the coding process to coders, and you will never be distracted from caring for your patients. Turning to Medesun is also a cost-effective way of running your practice as you don’t need to hire new full-time employees. Medesun is a medical coding company you’ve been looking for. Tell us about your coding needs, and our team will work out an ideal workflow for you.